Help needed for Phulanya after cyclone Freddy
The tropical storm Freddy has hit Malawi very hard. More than 200 deaths have now been registered and many people are missing. The situation is extremely bad. People are suffering and lives are in danger. Emergency aid is starting, but the focus is mainly on aid to the cities (such as Blantyre, which was hit hard). The most helpless people, the people of the villages, are without help.
Our field workers have not yet been able to reach Phulanya because bridges have been flooded and roads have been washed away. A third attempt is being made today to reach the area and to see the extent of the damage in Phulanya. News came from Phulanya that many houses have collapsed, people are homeless and haven’t eaten for the last three days. An even bigger outbreak of cholera is imminent.
The region of Phulanya needs urgent help! The situation is calling us to join hands and provide the help we can. We would like appeal to our donors and sponsors to continue to support the people of Phulanya by prayer or a (extra) donation!
What are we going to do?
Phase 1: Providing the shelters
Most people from the villages have sought refuge in shelters. The shelter locations are overcrowded and there is an urgent need for different products and materials, such as: food, blankets, flashlights, chlorine for drinking water (against cholera), clothes, soap, pans, medication, etc.
We will collect and transport these materials to the shelter locations. It is difficult to estimate the costs because the supply of products and gasoline is limited due to the destroyed infrastructure. The prices for products and materials are getting higher and higher!
Phase 2: Rebuild Phulanya
Although we do not yet know the extent of the damage, the situation in Phulanya is expected to be extremely bad. We are afraid that many houses have been washed away and it will take a long time before the entire area can be reached. In the coming period we will focus on repairing the infrastructure and rebuilding the houses Many (financial) resources are necessary to make this possible.
How can you help?
🌟 Pray for the people in Phulanya and for our fieldworkers who are traveling to the affected area.
🌟 Spread the news!It is important that as many people as possible are aware of the current situation and are motivated to help.
🌟 Help us with financial support so that we can provide the right materials, food, and other urgent help they need.
News about cyclone Freddy
BBC News Article Malawi declares state of disaster
BBC News video: Thousands homeless as Storm Freddy tears through southern Malawi
NOS Article Tropische storm Freddy laat spoor van vernieling achter