Summer Newsletter

Last week the summer officially started in the Netherlands and Belgium. Time for an update from our field workers Moses and Janien Banda. What does this period look like for them and what activities are planned in Malawi? Read it in this new newsletter!

🌟 Completing the school year
🌟 Finishing the nursery school
🌟 Preparations new projects
🌟 Moving and holidays

Update from our field workers

Summertime has arrived in the Netherlands and Belgium! Here in Malawi it is actually winter time or at least the cooler season, since you can’t speak of a real winter over here. Summertime means holiday time too and that one we share over here in Malawi as well. Although the holiday season is upon us, we will continue with most of our projects. We will give you a short update on how this period is being filled by us:

Completing the school year

The schools in Malawi are closed from June 23 until August 5. In these six weeks the students will take a break from all their school activities and stay home or visit their relatives. During this holiday period, the education project will slow down. We are currently focusing on completing the school year with the following activities:

Bicycle project: new students
The Standard 8 students started their holiday much earlier. They wrote their primary school examinations in May and are currently waiting for the results. Several children from Standard 8 used the One Hope Malawi bicycles last year. These bicycles have now been handed in and passed on to other primary school students. Last week these students signed a contract with their parents to borrow the bicycle for the coming school year. These bicycles are a tremendous help for the children of Phulanya: now they don't need to walk 4 hours from and to school anymore.

Feedback from the remedial teaching students
The Form 2 students wrote their Junior Certificate Examinations in June. They have been home since half June and are currently waiting for the results. Form 4 started their Senior Certificate Examinations in June and will finish in the beginning of July. A few secondary school students followed the One Hope Malawi remedial teaching classes last year. They received extra guidance to prepare for the exams. We evaluated the remedial teaching lessons with them. It was good to hear about their experiences and talk to them! The findings will be used to further develop the project.

Finishing the nursery school

In July we will finalise the nursery school in Phulanya. We have finished the toilets next to the nursery school and are yet to start painting the walls and finishing the floors. We are collecting old tyres to make a playground for the children. We are looking forward to the opening of the nursery school before the new school year starts!

Preparations new projects

We zullen ons focussen op de voorbereiding van de aankomende projecten. We hebben eind augustus een grootschalig evangelisatie-evenement gepland, treffen voorbereidingen om in september een nieuwe waterput te boren in een gebied waar nog geen toegang is tot schoon drinkwater en we bereiden een renovatieproject voor waarbij we toiletten bouwen en klaslokalen verbeteren op twee basisscholen vlakbij Phulanya. Er komt veel aan en we kijken er naar uit! De financiering van de aankomende projecten is nog niet volledig rond. We hebben nog steeds uw steun nodig voor onze aankomende projecten!

Moving and holidays

Our children will be on holiday for two full months. One of the major things we will do is move to a new house. Our current house has to be renovated and we have to move out. We are sad to leave this nice house, but we are so thankful that God provided us with a new house on the same day we heard that we had to move out of our current house. God is our provider! After moving to our new house we will go on holiday as a family and also our staff members will take some weeks of holiday. It will be a period full of regaining new energy and strength for many busy months to come. We are already looking forward!


We wish you a very blessed summer holiday!

Moses and Janien Banda