Much has been achieved through the activities of One Hope Malawi., but there is still a lot more work to do. During the visit we were able to hear and see what the needs are and what help is most needed for the people of Phulanya. It motivates us and the field workers to continue with our work, to research new ideas and solutions and to make plans for the future. The central focus in our future goals is structural change and development for Phulanya and stimulating project ownership for the people of Phulanya. The plans will be further developed in the coming period, will be incorporated into the policy plan of One Hope Malawi for 2023-2024 and also brought to your attention.
The activities of One Hope Malawi. cannot be realized without the help of our donors, volunteers and other stakeholders and the collaborations with government, schools and local organizations. We would like to thank everyone for this support.
Warm regards,
Martin, Annemijn en Auke
The Board of One Hope Malawi.