Invisible consequences of climate change

In January 2020 there was severe flooding in Phulanya. These floods are the result of global warming, resulting in climate change. Nine men tried to make a channel for the water which caused damage to the asphalt road. The government had promised to make a culvert (water channel under the road), but this didn’t happen. As a result, the water is stopped by the road and the water flows into the houses of Phulanya. The police arrested the men because the road is owned by the government. One Hope Malawi has made sure that these men have a lawyer who can assist them in the ongoing lawsuit. The verdict will follow shortly. We are following the lawsuit closely and hope for a fair outcome. One Hope Malawi, together with a number of representatives from Phulanya, will talk to the government authorities to ensure that the promised culvert is installed before the next rainy season! You can find here more information about our project that focuses on the impact of and coping with climate change in Phulanya, Malawi.